The beauties of our wonderful blue Planet are plenty. We are always enchanted by the enormous variety and imagination of Mother nature. There is no part of the world that has been forgotten by the “Creator” and Croatia and its neighbours, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro are no exception.
The beauty, richness and diversity of Croatia’s protected natural areas represent foundumental values and its most important natural resources. Croatia’s biodiversity is due to its geographical position where the influences of the panonic, dinaric & mediterenean features interact.
408 particular areas are protected of which the most important and beautiful are organised in 8 national parks & 11 nature reserves of a total surface of 515.093 ha . Info on all the nature parks of Croatia : Download PDF
To describe the high mountains , the underworld of karst caves, rivers forming incredible waterfalls, lakes and the crystalline Adriatique sea with so many islands, words do not suffice , photos and films help but the the best is to feel and experience all these natural wonders by visiting them yourself.